Teeny Tiny Tip: Visually Reinforce a New Habit

Make it easier to remember to take your vitamins by putting them front and center | suzerspace.com

I’ve reached that age where my doctor is aggressively encouraging me (as in threatening me with lab tests) to take a Calcium supplement.

I’m apparently also at that age where it’s getting harder to take on new habits, in that I failed to remember to take it 3 times in the first 5 days.

Mr. SuzerSpace came up with the trick of putting the bottle in front of the cereal boxes in the cabinet.

MEGA BIG DISCLAIMER TIME: This would be a terrible idea if we had children in the house.

I’m supposed to take it with food, and literally having the bottle in front of me when I go to make my breakfast has given me a 30-day no fail record so far.
