Birthday Badge

Create a birthday badge with colored card stock and personalize it with your Silhouette Cameo

Everyone wants to feel special on their birthday. And you want everyone to know it’s your birthday without actually having to tell them, right?

Wear this badge, and you can accomplish both tasks at the same time!

Or, make this badge for someone (a co-worker, maybe?) and get their day off to a good start.

Click the red arrow below to see how I made this.

How SuzerSpace created this

Sunday Scrolling: February 12, 2017

Via Dinner a Love Story – Bon Appetit’s website has a new section that looks really good.

I’ve seen a lot of pins and tutorials for making your own doormat, but most of them look like they require a lot more patience and talent than I have. This one looks like it might be right in my league.

Last fall I accidentally discovered the Silhouette Cameo, and my craft world was blown up (in a good way). Last weekend my sister showed me this cutting tool, which is awesome because it’s awesome, and also because it give me the opportunity me to say “lasers” with air quotes like in Austin Powers.

Googly Eyed Magnets

A glue gun, googly eyes and magnets make a quick and happy craft

There are craft projects that I take a good amount of time working toward. Reading web tutorials, browsing Etsy, waiting for a sale on the items I need.

And then there are those that just click.

It’s February in KC, and its been gloomy for weeks. Today it is sunny and unseasonably warm. We have the doors and windows open, and a bike ride in on the agenda.

And I found myself sorting the craft drawers, and stumbled upon this enormous bag of googly eyes that my sister gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago (long story, only funny to us).

A glue gun, googly eyes and magnets make a quick and happy craft

I have a brand new glue gun. And I found three perfectly good magnets at the bottom of that drawer as well.

There aren’t really instructions here – pick googly eyes at least as large as your magnet, apply hot glue, let dry. Repeat.

Instant happiness. How can you not smile with those things staring at you from the magnetic dry erase board?

A glue gun, googly eyes and magnets make a quick and happy craft

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I was featured at Scraptastic Saturday

Olive You – A Valentine’s Card

Two things you need to know about me:

  1. I love a good pun
  2. I really don’t like olives

Sometimes I let the olive part slide – small black olive slices are fine on a pizza. If there are chunks in a salad but they can hide in the lettuce, OK. Also, my olive ban does not extend to olive oil (it’s a texture thing, not a taste issue).

For Valentine’s Day, I put together a punny card featuring the Olive.

Use a double sided Print & Cut technique from Silhouette studio to make an Olive You card


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