Currently: September 2018

Currently: September 2018 at SuzerSpace

At this time every month, I post a roundup of what I’ve been up to. Just like always, I’ve titled it “Currently: September.”

But this month, it seems like it should say “Suddenly.”

Seriously, where did this month go?

I’m more than halfway through the Loveleighloops Faux Real Calligraphy class, and it’s been really enjoyable. It’s free, and if you are into lettering, I highly recommend it.

Book wise, I’m still working through the Roosevelt biography. I like it, but it is long and detailed. Thankfully, no one else at the library is waiting for it so I’ve been able to renew it. I’ve also been reading a couple of other books at the same time. I’m almost finished with Parker Posey’s You’re on an Airplane which is very hard to describe, and equally hard to decide if I like it or not.

I also read How to Break Up With Your Phone. I’m not actually addicted to my phone, but I see a lot of people around me who appear to be, so I wanted to take a look at what the author was suggesting, and it was eye opening. I did change around my home screens on my phone to make it easier for me to use my phone for what I originally intended and minimize my accidental distracted use.

I’ve kept up with the Rosetta Stone Spanish class I’m taking online through the library. It’s been well paced and I feel like I’m learning and retaining a lot as I go. I can’t really use my new words yet since I’m stuck at that point where I can ask you what you have, but if you save anything other than 5 green apples, I’m going to be a little stuck 🙂 .

Craftwise, besides what has been on the blog I’ve been working on my watercolors (another library book – The Joy of Watercolor has been my go to source, and it’s so good that now I’m overdue on returning it).

September/October are my favorite months of the year, so I’m looking forward to sweaters, cooking and holiday crafting.
