Hello August 2019

July zoomed by very, very quickly.

It was super duper hot, so I stayed inside and did a lot of reading, movie watching and crafting.

July is also my birthday month, so a lot of that crafting involved birthday themed items for my Etsy store. And then running around town, redeeming free birthday coupon items at some of my favorite stores.

I’m currently reading Becoming, Michelle Obama’s memoir. I had put it on my library waitlist when it first came out, and it became mine early in the month. I really like doing that – I just add books to the list when I see them, knowing there will be a long wait for a best seller. By the time I make it to the top spot in the list and I get my email that it’s ready for pick up or download, I’ve usually forgotten about it, so it’s a nice surprise.

Video wise, I’ve been bingeing The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel. I don’t normally have an Amazon Prime account, but when I went to order something very ordinary and boring for the house they offered me a free trial, so I’m using all the benefits I can before it expires.

Big plans for August?

NFL pre-season starts up soon, and I have a craft coming up for Red Fridays for Kansas City Chiefs watching.

It’s also the usual end to the heat waves of a MidWest summer, although there are usually a few hot days yet to come. But more cooking out, longer bike rides and maybe even an open window or two are coming. The downside is the darker mornings, but that means something great is coming – my favorite season of all is definitely Fall!
