Hello November 2019!

Hello November from SuzerSpace

I complain about the weather for all but two months out of the year – November is one of the good ones here in Kansas City.

It’s cold, but usually sunny, and the first snowfall is exciting (as opposed to the thirteenth one in February when I’m “enough already!”).

Daylight Saving ending is a hit and a miss – I like the early morning light, but hate the drive home in the dark. Why do people feel like they need to take their evening run at rush hour, on the darkest streets with no sidewalks AND dress in all black to do it?

But the best part of November, by far, is Thanksgiving. It’s our favorite holiday at SuzerSpace, and I have a Pinterest Board (actually two) to prove it.

This month I’m also working on my Etsy shop – this is my first holiday season so I’m not sure what to expect.

I’ve also been practicing my lettering, and my embroidering skills – a craft that combines both is coming up on the blog soon, and it’s perfect for hand made gift giving, so be sure to check in!
