Miniature Paper Hyacinths

My obsession with making easy paper flower crafts continues with Hyacinths.

It doesn't matter if Spring is looking like Winter still - bring your own bouquet to the front door |


I have actually tried to grow these more than once, but between the squirrels that kept digging up the bulbs, and our well intended but big-footed hound dog that squashed them like King Kong, they never fared well in the SuzerSpace yard.

I’ve seen a couple of posts on how to craft these up, and Pinterest is swarming with them, so I’ve course, I’m going to step in with my version as well.

This craft is super low tech – you need scissors, construction paper and glue.

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Sunday Scrolling: April 9, 2017

Today is the last day in the regular NHL season – the Stanley Cup Playoffs (which are practically a full season themselves) start on Wednesday. While waiting for the playoffs to start, you can entertain yourself with this great noisy site.

Several parks in our area have installed these cool Bicycle repair stations that have a rack, tools and QR codes you can scan to see videos of common bike issues that you can fix. I’m not sure how many manufacturers there are for these, but here’s a map from one of them to see if there are any where you ride.

Via FiveThirtyEight – Apparently there is a Vigilante Grammarian roaming England, correcting apostrophe mistakes in signage. Sometimes I’m tempted to bring my own Sharpie/White Out kit to the grocery store and correct all those misplaced possessives myself.

None of the links in this post are affiliate – they are all just things that caught my interest this week.

Stencil Painted T-Shirt

When I created my personalized bike license plate, I realized that the weeded part of the vinyl letters from my name would be a perfect stencil for a T-shirt.

I’ve painted T-shirts before, but not since I bought my Silhouette Cameo. Blogs abound with the instructions for cutting vinyl for a stencil and then painting either fabric or wood signs, and I definitely wanted to try this technique.

And it turns out it’s pretty easy and fun.

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Black and Bleu Wrap

Layers of flavor make this Black and Bleu Wrap sandwich stand out. |

The trick to eating with a focus on good nutrition and a tight budget is to think like a restaurant.

Besides frying everything, and using a lot of salt to make everything taste good, restaurants know that layers of flavor are the key to a good dish.

If you take a flatbread wrap, throw on some cheese and black beans and nuke it in the microwave, it’s a little bit soggy and sad.

But if you heat the beans first, and then layer the wrap with cheese, the beans, arugula and top with chunks of bleu cheese, suddenly you have something special.

Black Beans and Bleu Cheese Wrap

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 6 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 Flatbread (we use low-carb)
  • 1/8 cup Shredded Cheese
  • 1/4 cup Black Beans Rinsed and Drained
  • Arugula Washed and Patted Dry
  • Bleu Cheese Chunks* (see note)


  1. In a microwave safe bowl, heat beans in the microwave for about 30 seconds, until really warm but not dried out.

  2. On flatbread, sprinkle cheese in center

  3. Layer on black beans, arugula and black beans. Add salsa on top if desired.

  4. Roll and enjoy!

Recipe Notes

*Note: I don't actually like Bleu Cheese - Mr. SuzerSpace does. I make my version with Feta, but we still call them Black and Bleu Wraps. Sounds fancier that way 🙂