35 Search results

For the term "garland".

Bicycle License Plate

Personalized bicycle license plates made with the Silhouette Cameo


One of the great things about getting older is getting be to young again.


Well, when I was about 10, I had a bicycle, and there was an “S” on the seat, which I was sure was for “Susan” but turns out it was for Schwinn. And I wanted a license plate wth my name on it, but I never had one. Not sure why. My adult guess is that my sister’s name isn’t as common and it wouldn’t have been fair for me to have one and her not.

Fast forward 40-cough-cough-years, and I have a bicycle with an “S” on the post, which I am still sure is for “Susan”, but I bet the guys over at Specialized will disagree. Although they did send me some extra stickers when I asked, so they are still cool.

And when I realized I still wanted a license plate, I made one myself.

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Bee Happy Banner

I’ve been making an extra effort this year to be happy.

Not just sitting on the sofa, liking memes on Facebook that implore you to Choose Happy or Make your Own Sunshine.

Actually doing it.

Somewhere, I’m not exactly sure where, I came across the concept (and I’m paraphrasing here) that to be happy, you should spend more time creating, and less time consuming. So I dove in. Deactivated my Facebook account. Stopped following Twitter accounts that were angry or hateful. Added an Instagram that only shows me crafts.

For me, this works well – crafting makes me straight up happy. As a bonus, when I’m crafting, I’m not dwelling on any unhappiness around me. It’s second nature to see the silver lining in a crafting accident. It’s harder to be pleasant about something going wrong in life or at work, or in the world (as in, things I can’t fix anyway).

It’s even more fun to double down on this concept and craft a banner than inspires happiness.

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Bicycle Pant Leg Keeper

Bicycle riding season is getting close, so I’m crafting to get ready.

In the Spring and Fall, I’m still wearing jeans when I ride, and even though my chain has a guard on it, I’m still pretty fearful my pant leg is going to get caught. I tend to have a more pant leg around my ankles than the average person, because I’m short.

I know how to hem jeans. I just don’t 😉 .

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Crafty Crab Water Level Marker

Removable vinyl creatures helps me find the right level of water for the coffee maker

This cute little guy makes coffee making a little easier in the morning.

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I didn’t have a real solid plan for using my Silhouette Cameo when I bought it. I knew it would be a helpful tool for all my paper crafting, and it would be great boost for holiday crafting (banners, garlands, gift tags, cards).

But I wasn’t sure about the off-season.

Turns out it is helpful around the house as well.

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