Currently: July 2018

Frozen Margaritas made July bearable at SuzerSpace

The four elements that are believed to be essential to life (in Western culture) are Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

In July in the Midwest, with humidity in the 90 percent range and temperatures to match, that gets revised at SuzerSpace to be Ice, Tequila, Lime Juice and Triple Sec.

If you are keeping score at home, that’s the recipe for a frozen margarita.

While technically not a craft, creating those is fun, and drinking them in an oversize glass with a reusable straw is even more fun. It may be my imagination (or the alcohol) but I feel 10 degrees cooler with one of those in my hand.

Other projects that filled my July – 


Social media alerted me to the fact that this is Sew a Softie Month, and then I was lost for an entire afternoon trying to balance what I wanted to sew vs. what I actually had the skills to sew. I found this great free pattern  and the website is awesome in that she has great videos on all the steps involved. It took me the better part of two afternoons, but I learned several new skills and in the end, I’ve created a stuffed reindeer I’m really proud of, and I’m looking forward to having him be part of my Christmas decorations this year.

Currently July 2018 - at SuzerSpace | a softie reindeer I made for Sew A Sofite Month


In July I finished two books – Craft a Life you Love by Amy Tangerine, and The Revenge of Analog by David Sax. I also started Iris Apfel, Accidental Icon. I’m on the waiting list for a couple of others for August, including a new brush lettering book from one of my favorite bloggers.


My bike app says I rode 25 times in July, up from 0 this time last year. To beat the heat we’ve been getting up early and getting in a quick 2.5 miles circuit before I head to work a couple of times a week, and then a longer ride or two on the weekends. The morning ride is super fun – it’s a nice combo of hills and flats, and we have some regular people and dog friends we greet along the route. Weekend routes are usually centered on a destination – the liquor store is at the bottom of a big hill, which means a big hill on the ride back. Trader Joe’s and Aldi are also within striking distance, as long as I remember to not buy the worlds largest cauliflower at either location.


Quick note: none of the links in this post are affiliate, and while I have PLENTY of opinions, no one has compensated me for any of them
