Hello December 2018!

Hello December! An update on the events at SuzerSpace for December 2018

For the past year or so, I’ve posted on the last Monday of the month about events at SuzerSpace. I called it “Currently” and all of a sudden, it struck me that was not really a great title since it really was a roundup of the previous month.

I’ve decided to change things up, and start posting on the first of a month, with an update on what I’ve been up to, and what the next month may hold.


Last month was focused on two things – Thanksgiving, and Fitness.

I know those don’t seem like they really go together, but at SuzerSpace, they do.

You see, I caved. After years of saying I had no interest in an Apple Watch, couldn’t think of one thing it could do that my beloved Fitbit wasn’t already offering me at half the price, they came out with a new one.

It grabbed the attention of Mr. SuzerSpace, and he’s not really a gadgety person. But it’s been his health journey that has us counting carbs and ticking off the steps daily. So in October we went out to visit the watch at the Apple Store, and suddenly I was transformed in that THAT person who buys an Apple product that is out of stock for weeks.  They arrived the first week of November, and they tick all the boxes for us – something fun and useful that tracks more fitness stats and also has additional features  that we are using every day like timers, weather notifications, walkie-talkie, Apple Pay and Siri. There are plenty of things we are not ever going to use, but I’m super happy with our purchase. Both of us have added quite a bit of exercise to our day in our quest to close that “green ring” of exercise.

Thanksgiving Food probably doesn’t need much explanation, but I do want to throw out this link to a carb friendly but really tasty dessert. It’s like the filling that goes in a pumpkin pie, but it has less calories and way less sugars, so it’s “legal” for those who count their carbs for medical or personal reasons.


This month is all about Holiday decorating, of course. I’ve got one more ornament in my paper ornament series to go, and I already found my small tree to decorate. Our usual plan is to set up the big tree the first weekend in December, usually with pizza and Christmas music on the bluetooth speaker and football on the television.

I’m also still working on my hand lettering. The holiday sign I made at the top of this post is my cumulative effort from working through The Happy Ever Crafter and Loveleigh Loops classes for a little under a year.

And I’m tinkering with the idea of opening an Etsy shop. I listened to a very motivating and entertaining talk from a series put on by The Happy Every Crafter, and it’s got me thinking about putting some of my work out there.
