Birthday Banner Card: A Pinterest Challenge

Birthday banner card featuring knockout letters in flags | SuzerSpace

The purpose of the Pinterest Challenge is to inspire you to actually create something from all of those pins you’ve carefully curated (hoarded?) on to all your boards.

But this month, the challenge turned out to be trying to actually find the tutorial and it’s template from the pin.

I have seen this pin 

quite a bit, and I eventually decided to pin it to my Birthday board. I am very careful to actually vet my pins by clicking through them to make sure they don’t lead to spam, dead links or just something completely useless before I save them.

This one was super tricky. A lot of the versions of this pin are just the one image, “uploaded by user” that lead exactly nowhere. Some lead to websites that feature round ups of cards, some with and some without attribution to the creator.

Eventually I found a pin that lead to the actual owner of the content – it belongs to Martha Stewart. I scanned the page, it matched, and I pinned it. I figured I was all set.

And then last month a relative had a birthday coming up and I thought I’d create that birthday banner card. It seemed cute and easy and that’s exactly what I was in the mood for.

Turns out the pin I saved that leads Martha’s website goes to a video tutorial on the birthday banner card creation. And in the video, they mention a template for cutting out the banner. But there is no link for that template. Searching Martha’s website turns up a link with a matching photo in the Templates section, but that’s just a slideshow of supposed templates available, but they weren’t there for downloading.

More searching on Pinterest turned up more versions of the pin that lead to other parts of the Martha Stewart website, but I never did find the template.

Not a big deal in the scheme of crafting, since I can always make my own. But super frustrating in terms of using Pinterest as a place to save content, and kinda ugly for the Martha Stewart web team, since you’d think they’d want you to be able to actually make their crafts, especially with their paper you could buy on their website, right?

I decided if I was going to make my own banner template, that I’d go completely off course and create something different.

And so I did.

Essentially I made a mini version of a banner cut file I have in my Etsy shop, and then used the concept of stringing it inside the card from the original pin.

When I couldn't find the template for a birthday banner card featured on Pinterest, I made my own | SuzerSapce

I’m super happy with the result, so we’ll call this dead end of Pinterest Pins a positive challenge, since it inspired me to make something else.

Let’s meet this month’s Pinterest Challenge hosts!Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop

My Pinterventures •  Cookies Coffee and Crafts Sew Crafty Crochet   Eye Love Knots  My Sweet Things Across the Boulevard Suzerspace •  Purple Hues and Me   My Family Thyme  Mom Home Guide  Love My Little Cottage Our Unschooling Journey •  Intelligent Domestications Our Crafty Mom •  Life Beyond the Kitchen •  K’s Olympic Nest Sum of their Stories •  Farm Girl Reformed DIY Adulation Stone Cottage Adventures   This Autoimmune Life Our Good Life  Domestic Deadline •  Blogghetti

To join next month’s #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ September Pinterest Challenge

 Now, let’s see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓
