
Mother’s Day Printable Card

Make a special card for a special day by adding an envelope liner to an instant download printable Mother's Day Card |

Even in this really digital age, I think everyone appreciates an actual, physical card. Some holidays really seem to “require” them, and I think Mother’s Day is a good example of that.

But it’s tricky to remember to go to the card store and pick out a good one. And if you get there late, or worse, end up at the grocery store, the pickings may be slim. The good ones are all taken by those organized people who buy their cards early.

In my opinion, the invention of the instant download printable card was a really good one. You have the luxury of browsing from home, and when you find one you want, you can download it, print it, fold it and and you are done!

For this Mother’s Day, I’m offering you a free printable card to try out the process. And this one comes with a little bonus – a matching sheet of printable paper that makes a great envelope liner.


Hello January 2019!

Start 2019 off with a free printable calendar that folds up to fit under your monitor | suzerspace

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The beginning of a new year is historically that point where you reflect on last year and make your resolutions/intentions for the next.

For me, it’s also the anniversary of starting this blog.

First up, a quick wrap up of December activities –

  • The Apple Watches remain a big hit. I had a Fitbit for more than 3 years, and I really liked it, but the watch has more fitness features and partly because I think they are better, and partly because it’s new, it’s been a great motivator for the winter season. I’ve added a LOT of activity to my day in an effort to close my green and pink rings, and my overall health is benefitting from it.
  • I completed my Yay Every Day Tracker. If you didn’t grab one last year, it’s available as a free printable download from this post. The concept is write down one thing every day that made you say “Yay!” which is about as much journaling as I can commit to. I must say it was fun this past weekend to look back over all my entries, and there are a good many of them that involve what I had for dinner, but it worked. I can remember a lot of the good things that happened in 2018 this way.
  • I’ve done something big and scary. I’ve launched an Etsy shop which so far has a few cutting files for Silhouette or Cricut cutting machines, but I have plans to add cards, notepads and a few other craft items. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but I kept putting it off trying to get it perfect before I shared it. I thought it would be harder than it was (isn’t it always?) and once I had that going I keep moving and set up accounts with two sites that will let me offer my artwork on a whole host of products.

So, big plans for January?

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Thank You Card

Create a custom thank you card with a hand lettered print or cut file from SuzerSpace

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Mr. SuzerSpace and I keep it very low key for the holidays. We don’t travel, and we don’t have extended family to shop for, so as it becomes “crunch time” for others, we just sit back and enjoy the sights.

After a beautiful (but brisk) walk in nice shopping area, we came back today to enjoy some old movies (for him) and some crafting (for me).

And I thought I’d share this Thank You card, because come tomorrow afternoon, you may need it.

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Glitter Paper Snowflake Ornament

Create a quick glitter paper snowflake ornament made using Photoshop glitter and Silhouette Studio's Print and Cut feature | suzerspace

Start crafting now to have a Christmas tree full of handmade ornaments in December | suzerspace


This is one in a series of twelve paper ornaments I’m making this year, one a month so that when December rolls around, I won’t be surprised to discover I’ve done nothing about my wish to have a fully paper crafted Christmas Tree.

I’ve mentioned before that I really like the look of glitter  but I don’t like the aftermath (craftermath?). No matter how careful you are, glitter spreads throughout the house, appearing in unlikely places like the ice cube tray and your significant other’s toothbrush.  Side note – he never appreciates it.

In the past, I’ve taken to using digital glitter backgrounds provided by some very generous designers.

But the other day, it occurred to me that I probably could make my own, especially if someone gave me the digital recipe, like the tutorial I found that time for gingerbread letters.

Sure enough, I found a really easy and straightforward tutorial. And now I can have glittery images, any color I want, just by choosing it in my Photoshop color picker.

Once I had the technique down, I knew instantly what I needed it for. Glittery Snowflake Ornaments for my tree!

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Happy New Year 2018!

The Yay! Every Day! Tracker is designed to help you keep sight of the bright spot of each day |

Happy New Year!

Well, that certainly has a deja vu ring to it. Seems like just last year I started a blog with a post that began that very same way.*

It was an interesting year. And I’m ready for the next one.

Over the holidays (near Thanksgiving, I think) gratitude journals started showing up in all my social media feeds. The concept is deceptively simple – to write down things for which you are grateful.

I love the idea of journals but I never follow through on the actual practice of keeping them up. Weird thing – I never want to actually write in one, for fear of messing up the beautiful, pristine paper. Which is silly, because I work in a printing plant. Literally tons of paper at my disposal.

Last year, a blogger I follow offered this neat goal tracker.  And I’ve since seen some beautiful one-page calendars with room for journaling over on Etsy.

As is usually the case, nothing I found was 100% the way I wanted it. As is also usually the case, I made one myself.

I’m calling it my “Yay! Every Day!” tracker because my plan is to record one thing that made me say “Yay!” on each and every day.  When the skies are gray (in real life or in my mind) I’m hoping that reading the lists over will remind me of my decision last year – to choose happy.

The Yay! Every Day! Tracker is designed to help you keep sight of the bright spot of each day |

The tracker is designed to fit a 8.5 x 11 standard sheet, which I’m putting on a clipboard so I can hang it in my kitchen and stick with the process. It’s perpetual, so you can just print a new one next year and start again.

It’s a PDF download right here. Just print it on whatever paper you like to write on, and fill it up.

*In case you were wondering – we did NOT fix the kitchen ceiling drywall.

This project was featured at the My Busy Beeehives linkup party.